Welcome to Roaddogs.com

Come along on the adventures of HUGH and Miss Lynn. 2 disabled Americans as they travel the highways and byways of this great country of ours. Discover beautiful and historical places as well as little tidbits of trivia as we show that even though we suffer disabilities we still have abilities that make life worth living. We are currently on the great gypsy adventure and will be adding content as we are able. Please note it is entirely done by me (HUGH) and it sometimes takes a little longer than expected to publish content. It has been a challenge to do everything and still tend to the needs of Miss Lynn. Needs of Miss Lynn will always come first.

Even though we are behind we are catching up fast. As we do, take some time to check out our past adventures by clicking on any of the images below. I hope you enjoy Roaddogs.com and discover the world thru the eyes of The Roaddog and the Lovely Miss Lynn. We will have fine art photography of the best of our travels as well as Roaddog merchandise coming soon. In the meantime you can support our site by supporting our sponsors and advertisers. I hope you enjoy the new format. I think it will be easier to find content and see the world thru our eyes.

The Great Gypsy Adventure



Click on any image


Click on any image

20 Years of Roaddogs

National Parks



10 Most Scenic Places


Canada To Mexico

We are finally getting caught up little by little and will be adding content on a more consistant basis so maybe this site will start getting a better flow. Being disabled as it turns out makes things a little more challenging to accomplish but we are finaly getting to it. As we finish a venue we will publish a link to it here. I hope you will like it enough to share it with friends.

1-Trona Pinnacles


3-Mono Lake

4-Shoshone Falls

5-Promitory Point

6-Arches NP








Here is where we will post the day to day stuff. We will only keep current months stuff here and move previous months to a history page.

Went down to Bisbee Arizona and spent the day with Miss Lynns Niece. Heather and Chris own a little restaurant called "The Copper Pig" We had dinner there last evening and all I can say is compliments to the chef. Miss Lynn had the Copper Pig Trio and she loved it. I had the Chicken Scallopini and I couldn't believe how good it was. Their place is getting all kinds of great press statewide and it is a great successs. Congratulations Heather and Chris. Miss Lynn and I couldn't be prouder. On our visit to Bisbee we got a chance to pass through Tombstone and pay a little visit to the US/MEXICO border for a quick look at the wall. Think it will get finished? Click on image for a quick rundown on todays activities.

As we start the 11th month on the road we would like to Wish everyone a Happy Groundhogs day and my pal Joe Nameche a Happy Birthday. As for the lovely Miss Lynn and myself today is a travel day. We are leaving Sedona for awhile and heading south for a visit to Tombstone and Bisbee Then back to LA for our yearly physicals. In the meanwhile lets revisit a beautiful sunset from back when we lived in Studio City. Nice little timelapse. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our friend Scott. He has taken us to some pretty cool places and highlighted the spots with pieces of local history and trivia. I am looking forward to his internet site for his Kayak and adventure tours business.

We are down to our last few days in Cottonwood Arizona which is just outside Sedona. We have spent a lot of time here over the last few months. Beautiful part of the country. We have got some wonderful pictures and seen some incredible things. Little by little we are getting more things online I hope you will explore. Miss Lynns condition continues to degrade and it is getting more and more dificult getting her around. She now waits in the car when I do things like grocery shop. When we get back to L.A. in the middle of Febuary we are going to have to get her a wheelchair and make whatever changes to the RV to make it easy to get her in and out. Lots of challenges for us living on the road but in spite of those we are really enjoying our gypsy adventure. todays picture is a nice view of the city of Sedona. Click on the image to see larger view.

Went out for a little dirt whompin yesterday with our friend Scott on the backroads of Sedona. Even out here the scenery is unbeleiveable

Click on image to see larger version.

I hope the new format will get people exploring the whole site and I think I will be able to post more often. Miss Lynn slips away a ;ittle each day and her balance issues are getting bad enough she will have to go from walker to wheelchair shortly and that provides a whole lot of logistical challenges with RV living. We have adjusted our day to day routine and have a pretty good flow so I am hoping to find a little more time to dedicate to the site and my photography. The photo we are posting here today was taken back in 2022. It is called corral canyon it is along th coast and it is not far from where the fires have been raging these last couple weeks.


So here we are. After talking about and planning for years, we are about to live full time the Roaddog way. I have been put on disability because my physical condition has finally eroded to the point that I can no longer work and Miss Lynn is dealing with some issues that is going to retire her early as well. So now what? We have been building this site over the years without promoting it so when we went to it full time in retirement we wanted to have lots of stuff to show you from day 1. Now here it is time to start putting the dream into action and I am living in severe chronic pain. So much pain it has forced me out of the workforce and severely hampered my life. Since it will be with me for the rest of my life it has brought me to a crossroad.

Do I give up and retire to a recliner to spend this last phase of life watching the Wire for the tenth time and streaming videos? Or do I say damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead and do my best to continue this site as Imy condition permits?

I am glad to report we have decided to die with memories rather than die with dreams. We are going to give it a try and hit the road on the ultimate road trip. So today I am announcing "THE GREAT GYPSY ADVENTURE" Thats right we have purchased an RV and we are going to head out in late March for a 2 year adventure. It is finally time to start promoting this site so share, like, and subscribe to our videos on youtube and our pictures on instagram. (You can find us under bigbadroaddog) And since I am disabled we will be taking an extra look at how the disabled are accommodated at the places we visit. I might be crazy trying this with the amount of pain I live with. Not to mention the hard road Miss Lynn is traveling. But I figure I can deal with the pain just as easy sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon as I can sitting in my living room streaming Netflix. And if you think about it, if not now, When?

I am not pretending to be some great writer, (if you explore further you will soon see how accurate that statement is.) I am not here to help you find a cheaper airline flight or hotel room. There are plenty of sites for that. Miss Lynn and I are here to show you the world that we see as we wander through this last phase of life. The creator has provided us a fantastic, bizarre and beautiful world and we want to see and show you as much of it as possible. Now that we have been forced into retirement and have become full time Roaddogs, I will continue to add to the site as I am able.

It is a nice dream. I hope you come along for the journey.
HUGH 2-2-2024