"The Big House" The 13 room mansion built by Charles Mentry in 1889

The schoolhouse built 1880

A barn. One of several surviving buildings.

Aerial view looking down Pico canyon from the Pico no.4 oilwell

This building was not part of Mentryville and was actually built as a set for the 1990 movie Return to Green Acres.

All that is left of the Pico no.4 Oilwell is the capped well, some equipment and a couple of plaques for a memorial.

Hiking in Pico Canyon

There is much oilfield equipment strewn about.

Another look down Pico Canyon.

Drone shot. Roaddog at the Pico no.4 site.

All tht is left of the Pioneer Oil Refinery. Located several miles away from the Pico Oilfield it was built in 1877 and is the oldest surviving oil refineries in the world.
Additional Links (outside and not associated with the world of the Roaddog.)